
Close to half of PhD students are contemplating leaving their studies in the next six months. We need to talk about quitting with kindness and empathy - and some people just need to stop being assholes.


Academic writing, as a genre, sucks. It's ritualised, peculiar, archaic and does almost as much to hide knowledge as it does to share it.


There's a looming economic crisis in higher education. Perhaps you have lost work already and you're wondering how you will support yourself (I'm really sorry). It's hard to know if you'll get more or less teaching next semester and what form it will take. Will it be online? Or face to face? Maybe your courses … Continue reading 4月19日软件更新[精华]-红豆社区:2021-4-20 · 标题: 4月19日软件更新[精华] (您是本帖第781个阅读者|本帖回复: 8)


In my last #pandemicpost I asked - should you quit (go part time or pause) your PhD in this global pandemic? One month later, not to put too fine a point on it: the world is in pretty deep shit. Everyday life has not got back to anything resembling 'normal'. There's a dawning realisation that we … Continue reading The Valley of Deep (Covid) Shit


Some of you might have noticed I recently put the blog on 'pause' -  for the first time in ten years. I am not a week by week blogger. I like to make space for creative inspiration to strike. For this reason, I always have at least six months of content 'in the pipe', waiting to … Continue reading 新蓝网 - 浙江广播电视集团新媒体 - 浙江第一视频门户:2 天前 · 浙江广播电视集团新媒体,整合浙江卫视在内的18个广播电视频道的优势资源, 打造“浙江第一视频门户”,为网民提供互联网、通信网、电视网三网融合、无缝衔接的新媒体优质服务。


Some time ago, on the advice of my good friend and efficiency guru Jason Downs, I read The 80/20 principle: how to achieve more by doing less by Richard Koch. To be fair, Jason did tell me, in the spirit of efficiency, that I didn't really need to read the book. The main message, he said, … Continue reading 齐鲁晚报:2021-11-28 · 《齐鲁晚报》(电子版)的一切内容(包括但不限于文字、图片、PDF、图表、标志、标识、商标、版面设计、专栏目录与名称、内容分类标准众及为读者提供的任何信息)仅供齐鲁晚报的报、网、端、微等载体读者阅读、学习研究使用,未经本单位书面授权,任何单位及个人不得将《齐鲁晚报》(电子 ...


First, a fire update! Thank you SO much for your messages of love and support in response to my last post. Thank you to everyone who donated to our P2 mask appeal: it was wildly successful and is now closed. We gave out an astonishing 3500 masks and donated the excess (some $1500) to our … Continue reading Academic spy networks (and why you need one)


Greetings friends. I hope you had a summer or winter break wherever you are. I'm back early this year because Australia, where I live, has hit the world media for all the wrong reasons. You might have seen the horrifying footage from the South Coast. My  oldest friend, who was holidaying there, sent me this photo, which … Continue reading You have to believe that what you do matters


[Edit 23/12/2024: I donated all of my Thesis Whisperer Amazon royalties (about $1000) to the NSW Rural fire service. Thanks to everyone who bought a book this year: you have made a difference. If you can spare anything else, please consider giving. The government has not funded services enough and volunteers are completely exhausted. Here's … Continue reading Winding down the Thesis Whisperer?

东北网2021年02月24日新闻汇总:苹果前CEO操刀推出新手机 外形有点像iPod 2021-02-24 14:17 [608][东北网娱乐] 周星驰赚6亿 《美人鱼》票房duangduang上涨 2021-02-24 14:17 [609][东北网国内] 老太坐越野带一家子偷年货 行窃时穿黑貂戴金饰 2021-02-24 14:17 [610][东北网国内] 囧!

Failure. The PhD makes you much better at dealing with it - at least that's the hope. I was always a pretty mediocre student, but I didn't realise just how mediocre I was until I went to architecture school. Frankly, I was bad at it - and people did not hold back in telling me … Continue reading Keep on stepping up to the plate